I'll try to make this an all Christmas edition.
I can't seem to find many good movies out on rental lately. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE tell me! I rented the movie This Christmas last weekend and although the movie was so so, the soundtrack was great. Very soulful and upbeat with some songs from Chris Brown. I downloaded it from iTunes.
I used to slave for hours making our traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls from scratch. A couple of years ago, I just did not have the time or energy so I bought Rhodes frozen cinnamon rolls. Well, I didn't tell anyone and they didn't know the difference! There are a bunch of recipes on their website that you can make with all of their dough! Hello? That is the way to go, my friends! I still slave over my sugar cookies but they are worth it!
I found some free Christmas digital overlays on the web at My Craftivity. You can download them here. They are so pretty!
Another fave this Christmas is that in spite of how poor the economy is, the spirit of giving and doing for one another seems to me to be stronger than ever this year. I love to see this. It is so heartwarming. What are your favorite charities to support at Christmastime, or anytime?
My last fave is the best of all, the gift of a brand new baby! The greatest gift of all. My dear friend Sara gave birth to a little baby boy Monday evening. His name is Hudson Scott and he weighed 6 lbs 12 oz! Sara sent me a picture from her phone:

The picture is a bit grainy but you can still tell that he is the most precious little thing. I hope to meet him and hold him and smell his tiny head on Sunday.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend of partying, baking, last-minute shopping, wrapping or just chillin'!
Love and Peace to you!
Hmmm....Which smells best-a new baby or dugar cookies baking?!
Great idea about the cinnamon rolls- I will have to try that!
Love those pics of your DS!! Adorable! btw- love the Christmas music on your blog!
Girl WE need to do a movie together and it would be OFF DA CHAIN .. real talk LMAO .. okay have you seen Wanted yet, Step Brothers and umm shoot I drew a blank LOL .. okay okay so I am sending you a THANK YOU for your wishes today you are so so sweet boo, and that why I love ya .. how was your Friday ..love the pic of that sweet thang is adorable girl ..
Oh my goodness, little Hudson is so stinkin' cute!! Yummy - I need to see if I can find that cinnamon roll dough - I love cinnamon rolls!! Have a great weekend, girl!
Aww how cute is he?! :o)
Love your Friday faves xxx
OMGsh he is just the most precious lil man.
I have missed you Miss Lori! Come say hi to me soon.
Hugs and Loves and have a Merry Christmas!
Your such a doll! Dinner & everything was fabulous. Kevin and I were talking about all that you have going on in your daily life and the special gift you have of always taking time for others. Your thoughtfullness is so appreciated. XOXO
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