I do a lot of reading about autism and I found this article very interesting.
I'd love if you'd take a few minutes to read it too.
Edited to add this quote:
Sometimes we feel that we've got to climb a mountain or raise a monument to leave our mark on the world. What we fail to recognize is that often we make a difference simply by existing, by handling what life gives us. Maybe the way we deal with our challenges and our rewards inspires someone else to achieve worthwhile things in their own life.
Blaine Lee
Wow, so well said!
♥ Lori
This is such a great shot!!! I am so hopeful :)
GREAT post!!!
I was first laughing that you typed you'd never actually steal the girls! lol-just in case the secret service is watching, Eagle Eye style!
I then read the article you featured. WOW! Even as a special education instructor, I quickly forget the life the families of the autistic lead. I don't know your story of it, but I know it impacts your life. What a thought though, and all of the mothers watching would say a small prayer of understanding and hope-as we often do.
Hey Girl!
I am right there with you about inauguration day! But I certainly have no interest in "stealing" the kids! LOL!!!
Love that quote!
Love how you are soooo ready for V-day!
And congrats on the Design Experiment spot! You are so perfect for that!!!
I love that quote...
Very interesting article, definitely puts things in perspective.
And I do love that shot of the first family!
Hey Lori! Love the photo your chose to lead your blog post today. It's definitely a "new day" as the song goes,and I think we all have our fingers crossed for change for the better.
Off to read your article.
have a great day!
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