
shout out!

Just wanted to give a shout out today to one of my favorite guys, Jason Dunning! He is the husband of my friend Denise and an all around awesome guy. He left on January 17th for deployment in Iraq. Before he left, I asked Denise to tell me 10 things she would miss most about him when he was gone so I could do a layout for them about it. Here it is:

It got me thinking that this would be a great idea for a challenge. Think about someone who you miss or who you would miss if they were no longer around. Write down 10 things. Do a scrapbook layout if you want but at least write these things down. I am going to do this for Kirk (my husband who is definitely still around!) and my Mom who passed away. It's a great way to recognize and appreciate the little everyday things.

By the way, Jason, even though your wife is extremely culinarily (is that a word?) challenged, your kids are being fed well on a regular basis so lay off! xoxo
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marcibun said...

What a great idea for a layout Lori! I'll keep Jason in my prayers for his safe and quick return.

Angela said...

LOVE the page! Miss ya girl!